Drosanthemum hispidum
Water Needs

Succulent; Groundcover
Hairy or Roadside Dewflower
45 - 70 cm
Light Conditions
Purple; winter spring
Garden Situation
gravel gardens; sandy soils; hot dry; container; hanging baskets; rockery; sandy soils; dry soils; paving; slope bank; walls; wildlife insects
hot dry; urban streets; grassland; coastal eastern cape; fynbos
succulent Karoo; western cape; Karoo; thicket;
Rain Season
Summer; winter
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Drosanthemum hispidum is one of the prettiest of all the mat-forming succulents. It copes with a light frost, and is very drought tol¬erant. In spring and summer, grey-green leaves are hidden beneath a sparkling show – purple outer petals and pale yellow centres, giving a star-like appearance. It is easy to keep trimmed to the size you want. This little plant forms a mound up to 60 cm, but has a spreading habit and in time, this rather delicate looking succulent will spread to cover a large area; when given room to expand it is spectacular and well worth a large spread in a spring garden. Widespread in the Succulent Karoo, on rocky outcrops and in disturbed places. Needs: full-day sun; well-draining soils.