Metalasia muricata
Water Needs
low; moderate

Shrub medium
Blombos; White Bristle Bush
3 x 3
Light Conditions
white; winter
Garden Situation
windy exposed; sandy soils; sun; rockery gravel garden; screen; slope bank; wildlife birds; fast-growing easy-care
fynbos; coastal eastern cape;
western cape; thicket;
Rain Season
winter; summer
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Metalasia has attractive woolly grey foliage, and in the winter the entire shrub is covered in compact white flower heads on the top of long straight stems. The shrub has a neat and rounded shape, grows well in acid soils, but is especially good in sandy soils. It is therefore extremely drought hardy. When in flower it is easily noticed in natural areas, in the Silvermines area, for example. Its natural distribution range is in coastal areas from the Cape Peninsula to the Transkei and its preferred natural habitats range from Albany Thicket, Fynbos to Indian Ocean Coastal, but always close to the sea. They can be used as a pioneer shrub, often being the first to appear after a fire. Once they grow tall enough, they are also able to protect more tender species from fires and harsh conditions. Position in full sun. This shrub will attract birds to the garden. Seeds can be sown in autumn.