Polygala fruticosa
Water Needs
low; moderate

Shrub small
Heart-leaved Polygala
2 x 2
Light Conditions
Purple; August to May; winter spring summer autumn
Garden Situation
sun; rockery; walls; roof garden; container; sandy soils; dry soils; slope bank; wildlife carpenter bees insects butterfly host; narrow spaces; clay soils;
fynbos; coastal eastern cape; coastal kzn; hot dry
western cape; karoo; thicket; subtropical east coast
Rain Season
Summer; winter
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The beauty of the Heart-leaved Polygala is matched by a generous nature. Free-flowering for much of the year, from August to May, it requires minimal upkeep; a light nip and tuck will keep it fresh through the season. It does best in full sun as too much shade results in woody growth and sparse foliage that tends to fall open at the centre. Soil must drain well, feed with compost, mulch generously, and this medium-sized shrub will reward you year-round. The small Polygala does not enjoy any fiddling around the roots and mulch will help to prevent weed growth that could interfere with the roots when pulled out. Kirstenbosch Gardens has produced a smaller variety of this species; P. fruticosa ‘Southern Shores’, grows to a meter high and has a neat, rounded form. It copes well with salty winds and is an excellent candidate for coastal gardens.