Bulbine latifolia
Water Needs
low; water wise

Groundcover; Perennial
Glass Water; Geelkopieva
30 - 30 cm
Light Conditions
light; moderate; hardy
Yellow; spring
Garden Situation
sun; shade; dry shade; roof gardens; green walls; walls; am sun; container; slope bank; sandy soils; wildlife bees
cliffs; coastal eastern cape; coastal kzn; grassland
Subtropical East Coast; bushveld savanna; thicket
Rain Season
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A succulent groundcover that forms aloe-like rosettes of long, bright yellow-green triangular leaves that taper to a sharp point. These are softly fleshy and thick, smooth to the touch and spineless. While many texts suggest B. latifolia grows in full sun, many gardeners only use it in dry shade to partial, or semi-shade; certainly, this was where it was known to grow while still called B. natalensis. Here, plants retain their lush and plump texture and fresh colour. I find flowers also last longer and grow a bit taller out of the hot sun. In nature plants tuck into rock crevices, hang off cliffs, and spread beneath shade-giving thicket shrubbery. Plants thus love compost enriched soils. Size: 3o cm high x 20 – 30 cm wide Flower: spring Position: Light shade; dappled shade; partial shade; Water needs: low. Water wise Frost: moderate