Osteospermum moniliferum subsp. moniliferum
Water Needs
low water wise drought hardy

Shrub medium; Shrub large
Dune Tick-berry
2 x 2 m
Light Conditions
yellow; autumn winter; on and off through the year
Garden Situation
sun; sandy soils; screen; shrubbery; rockery; slope bank; windy exposed; salty air; wildlife bees butterflies insects birds; fast-growing easy-care
grassland; fynbos; bushveld; woodland forest; coastal eastern cape; coastal kzn; hot dry; rocky places; urban streets
thicket; Highveld; subtropical east coast; bushveld savanna; karoo; western cape
Rain Season
summer; winter
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Chrysanthemoides monilifera, now called Osteospermum moniliferum subsp. moniliferum, is a common pioneer shrub that grows readily in sandy soils and is thus often used to stabilise sand dunes. It is an excellent shrub for water wise garden designs and thrives in many challenging gardening conditions but must be given enough space to spread. Grey to grey-green leaves with younger leaves coated with a fine cobweb-like hairs that give it a whitish appearance. Flowers grow in clusters made up of male and female florets. Fleshy, edible green fruits follow ripening to purple-black and are loved by birds. This daisy bush seeds easily after passing through a bird’s digestive system so will need to be controlled in small gardens. To grow from seed, they must first be scarified. Cape gardeners can use it in a mixed shrubbery with Aloe arborescens and Metalasia muricata to deflect wind. The old Chrysanthemoides monilifera has been split into a number of subspecies of Osteospermum moniliferum.